Splinterlands | No Magic Allowed | Bows, Arrows and Fisticuffs!

Oivas Namok
6 min readJun 24, 2024


Splinterlands | No Magic Attackers

Magic attackers are one of the best monsters to take in battle. They are hardly intercepted and we have a high chance of winning. The flying ability or shields are no good against the magic attack. That means we will land most of the attacks.

It is true that with abilities like phase, void, and reflect, the efficacy of magic attacks is reduced. That said, they still are one of the best attacks and I love to use them as much as possible. That also means I am not too keen to play the no-magic rule. ☹

A battle is a battle, though. How about we see one of my battles under the no-magic rule? But before that, shall we spend a minute getting to know Splinterlands? After all, that’s where you will find all these fun battles, rules, and monsters.

What Game is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a digital card game that allows you to collect, trade, battle, rent, and even earn from the cards. ***The game gives Play to Earn a whole different meaning.*** By now, you would know that the governance token (SPS) airdrop made millionaires out of the early adopters. It still keeps giving and remains a fun and engaging game.

To give you an idea of how lucky you can get in Splinterlands, read my story of getting cards worth $500 from buying only a few packs worth $20.

Got Cards Worth $500 from $20 Packs

And this is just a tiny number. I have witnessed people getting uber-expensive cards in their pack and selling them for as high as $6500. In fact, there is a whole Splinterlands marketplace on the Hive blockchain and now on Wax too. And now the sales of the Rebellion packs, the newest of the lot, have also started.

Any reason not to try it out? To join, scroll down quickly. 😊

No-Magic Rule | Lose the Magic Attackers

The magic attackers are rarely blocked in battle and that’s one of the reasons it is best to have them. But when you can’t have them in battle, you rely only on the ranged and melee attackers.

The ranged and melee attackers are easy to tackle and the battle boils down to who has the better summoner and team. I’ve got to admit that my win percentage is quite low when it comes to the no-magic rule.

Can I turn the tables today? Let’s see.

The Battle | Frowns and Angry Brows

A quick look at the rule, and let’s get on with the battle.

There were three rules simultaneously in play in this battle. The rules were cripple, poison, and no magic. Obviously, we are interested in the third one but the other two made it even more exciting. So, the poison rule keeps taking out the health of our monsters at the beginning of every round, while the cripple rule affects the health by one.

So, let’s see how the battle progresses.

The Face-Off Screen

This is how the battlefield appeared.

My team is at the bottom of the screen while the opponent’s team is at the top. I went with the Fire Splinter while the opponent chose the Dragon Splinter. We have to admit even the three monsters in the opponent’s lineup looked quite imposing.

At this stage, I wasn’t sure the battle would go my way.

We Battle Hard

By the middle of round 2, my lineup looked slim.

See? My tank is gone but the opponent’s monsters look in control. The only saving grace is my monster in the second position. It is immune to poison. Will that be enough to win me the battle?

Let’s see.


And The Battle Races to Conclusion

The tables turned around quite fast.

In just two rounds, from uncertainty to a certain win was some going. The poison took out the opponent’s tank and the monster at the end. The final monster in the first position took the battle-ending beating from my tank. And that’s how it ended.

So, my tank being immune to poison really helped. I won! 😊

A Hard-Fought Battle | An Interesting Result

Since the win did not come that easy, I have to admit that it was a hard-fought battle. I am happy with my choice of monsters. This is one of the battles that I won with the no-magic rule in play.

I loved the battle. How about you? I hope you enjoyed reading about the battle too. You can also look at it live in the link provided below. Have fun! 😊


Want to Join Splinterlands?

You can click below and follow the link. All the best!


Want to Watch the Battle I Spoke About?

Here it is:

**Image Courtesy:** Splinterlands Resources

Some Useful Sites to Give You More

Some of the good crypto-writing-earning sites:

Publish0x: Earn ETH

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Some crypto-faucets and jewelry earners:

Horizen: Earn ZEN || Mene: Earn $5 on signup || Earn Litecoin || Earn Bitcoin || Pipeflare: Earn ZEC, FLR, MATIC

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Few Gaming-cum-earning sites

Splinterlands || NFTPanda

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