Splinterlands | Life Leech Vs. Blood Lust | Who Wins? | Check It Out!

Oivas Namok
7 min readSep 25, 2023

Splinterlands | Life Leech or Blood Lust?

Two of the abilities that keep increasing the life of the monsters are the life leech and blood lust ability. But which one stands the test of a battle? Don’t know? No problem, I checked it out, and here we will look at the result. I promise it’s going to be an entertaining one.

For starters, what are the Life Leech and Blood Lust abilities? In the case of Life Leech, as and when the monster with that ability attacks another monster, it gains health. On the other hand, when a monster with Blood Lust attacks another monster and eliminates it, it gains one addition to all its stats. All stats mean — attack value, health, and speed. Such monsters can get ridiculously powerful.

But so can the monster with Life Leech ability given enough time to gain health. As such, a battle could go either way. Let’s see one such game, but before that, shall we spend a minute getting to know Splinterlands? After all, that’s where you will find all these fun battles, rules, and monsters.

What Game is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a digital card game that allows you to collect, trade, battle, rent, and even earn from the cards. ***The game gives Play to Earn a…

